Go back to advertising training, refresh your memory. Then go to marketing center, wander through all the advertising materials posted there.
Go through your records of what you have been doing, see which - if any - of your methods have had how much success. Maybe a little tweaking is all you need.
Touch base with your sponsor, co-sponsor, see if they have any advice for you. Maybe further up your upline, or an a2a friend.
Take a few days to delve into what you have been doing, see if any is working, keep any good things, ditch the unproductive, and begin again:))...
It's back to the old drawing board, m'dear!!
Go back to advertising training, refresh your memory. Then go to marketing center, wander through all the advertising materials posted there.
Go through your records of what you have been doing, see which - if any - of your methods have had how much success. Maybe a little tweaking is all you need.
Touch base with your sponsor, co-sponsor, see if they have any advice for you. Maybe further up your upline, or an a2a friend. ...more