Both are effective. If you have a large friend circles or surroundings – it is better and much effective to distribute TC Gift Card in person. It will be more beneficial to you as you can describe the ins and outs about TC Gift Card face to face directly. Remember face to face conversation is an extra advantage in any case than online as it is an indirect connection. Your prospects can easily be identified you in offline so they can able to respond and take action quickly which is not possible in online
Otherwise you have to go through online to distribute the TC Gift Card. In this regard you should prepare an effective email text mentioning the benefits of TripleClicks and the redemption details of Gift Card. A nice writing email and refer it to your circles bring your success at earliest
You can also post in your blog/website to attract your probable prospects or PRMs. Write a nice article about TC Gift Card and its benefits, post and publish in your blog/website
So in conclusion we can come to a point that offline and online both are effective to distribute TC Gift Card
Both are effective. If you have a large friend circles or surroundings – it is better and much effective to distribute TC Gift Card in person. It will be more beneficial to you as you can describe the ins and outs about TC Gift Card face to face directly. Remember face to face conversation is an extra advantage in any case than online as it is an indirect connection. Your prospects can easily be identified you in offline so they can able to respond and take action quickly which is not possible ...more