Great question.
I have to say I'm one of the "lucky" ones. I have a terrific sponsor who was leading me step by step and gave me all the neccesary tools to make sure I get the best of SFI.
And that's exactly what I do with my PSAs. I've made tutorials that explain the essential things about SFI business, the importance of being "the fast tracker", how to perform daily actions explaining that further on they're going to be grateful for every point they score, beside the fact that it familiarizes them with SFI center.
To get back to your question, i believe untill now I did things well, so I will tell you the main things you don't want to miss from the very beginning:
*completing getting started actions within 24 hours to make sure you get that 200VP bonus
*calculate (depending which day of the month you sign up) how many points you'll score with daily/weekly/monthly actions by the end of the month, then use the LAUNCHPAD and ONE-TIME-ACTIONS to cover the difference to get to Executive Affiliate status - you leave the rest for the next month, so while you're still finding your way around SFI, you don't have to start spending money just yet - the purpose is to make money, investing as little as we can at first, because you're not experienced enough to spend your money in the smartest way - at least an average person, like me...
*make sure you stay abouve that green line and make it to the finals of E365 contest
*log in EVERY DAY and do your daily actions
That will give you EA2 status in the second month. Now that you've learned, read, studied, you're ready to invest some of your money for your business I'd say TCredits and PSAs to-go are the best option for starters.
Of course, as soon as you're comfortable, start advertising your business, but I'd say it's best if you learn as much as you can before you start doing that, specially being this business about duplication - you'll have to be skilled enough to teach your PSAs to things right.
Best regards.
Great question.
I have to say I'm one of the "lucky" ones. I have a terrific sponsor who was leading me step by step and gave me all the neccesary tools to make sure I get the best of SFI.
And that's exactly what I do with my PSAs. I've made tutorials that explain the essential things about SFI business, the importance of being "the fast tracker", how to perform daily actions explaining that further on they're going to be grateful for every point they score,