I was going to let this question pass and not comment on it. But it upsets me so much every time an answer for it comes my way that I have to put in an answer. As I see it, there are really only two entities that greatly benefit when you play KOT. Your sponsor and SFI/TC.
I play KOT. I enjoy it. But, it intrudes on my day. I can spend hours waiting for the next game to begin. It gives me a good excuse to not be running ads or reading helpful books and articles. It is a very slow way to earn VP. And few people need to feed their egos to puff up their heads.
So while I have told my team that the game is fun, I have not encouraged them to buy more TCredits to play with. It must be their choice.
I was going to let this question pass and not comment on it. But it upsets me so much every time an answer for it comes my way that I have to put in an answer. As I see it, there are really only two entities that greatly benefit when you play KOT. Your sponsor and SFI/TC.
I play KOT. I enjoy it. But, it intrudes on my day. I can spend hours waiting for the next game to begin. It gives me a good excuse to not be running ads or reading helpful books and articles. It is a very slow way to ...more