To become Platinum Team Leader, first you must have a strong, resilient downline. Weed out any weak links who might drag down any productive PSAs.
Let me put it this way: your downline is like your backyard garden. Your PSAs are like the seeds that you've planted. Nurture and tend to those seeds when needed, and they will grow into a bed of beautiful flowers. That bed of flowers will then produce seeds that will become another bed of flowers with proper care.
Then coach your PSAs to step into the role of gardener. Have them teach their downline how to grow a lovely garden of their own (helping PSAs to be productive, in other words).
Hopefully this fun little analogy will give you some understanding on becoming PTL.
To become Platinum Team Leader, first you must have a strong, resilient downline. Weed out any weak links who might drag down any productive PSAs.
Let me put it this way: your downline is like your backyard garden. Your PSAs are like the seeds that you've planted. Nurture and tend to those seeds when needed, and they will grow into a bed of beautiful flowers. That bed of flowers will then produce seeds that will become another bed of flowers with proper care.