Hello Mam !
First of all, I will explain the PSAs that, SFI is an Online Business and not an ordinary online job/work. Since, business yield slowly than job/work.
The fact is that, many people think, SFI Marketing as an online job. So, they think that they must receive earnings without Investment.
Let us explain them this little strategy:
SFI has set up a Great Mega Super Store "TripleClicks" with World Brand Products from World Brand Marketers and offering the same Business to ourselves for free of cost and asking us: "Just sell the products and earn the profits".
Now, Ask PSAs to compare this SFI Marketing with Ordinary Business and calculate the benefits with SFI and TripleClicks.
1. First, In ordinary Super Store, we have to own/rent the place for shop which cost a very huge amount.
But in SFI, We didn't even pay for TripleClicks Tconnect Page Website to install the store.
2. We have to purchase all the products in ordinary Super Store with huge Investment.
But in SFI, We didn't even pay a single penny to purchase products for selling. All products are freely given at your hands.
3. In ordinary business, we will have only local customers, may have certain other countries customers too...
But in TripleClicks, we have International customers to deal with and all selling are done on a click. Shipping are also taken care off. Our work is, just to promote the products for selling. Everything is taken care of by SFI. Will it be possible with ordinary business.
4. Along with selling products, we were given with other benefits like VP points, MRP and Executive Pool commission.
Will there be any other benefits in ordinary business, only profit. That's all, nothing more and even sometimes we get loses too...
But SFI is running successfully for 16 years without any debts and shares for all affiliates too…(million dollars already).
For every business, we won't expect profit immediately after set up. We will wait for the right time, until our business develops and start to yield its profits, that we expect. So, this is the secret we have to share with our PSAs and make them wait for the right point.
Explain PSAs, all about these benefits and tell them, that putting (investing) a little more than receiving from SFI is not all bad. Since, after a short period of time, through our hard works, through down line members works and through our selling/purchasing we are going to earn more than we imagine for our entire life span even after our retirement.
If our PSAs understand this little strategies as "Crystal Clear" in their mind, I think they will never QUIT SFI.
"Hands together - Success together". Make this our Motto.
Hope, this answer is apt for the question and useful too….
Hello Mam !
First of all, I will explain the PSAs that, SFI is an Online Business and not an ordinary online job/work. Since, business yield slowly than job/work.
The fact is that, many people think, SFI Marketing as an online job. So, they think that they must receive earnings without Investment.
Let us explain them this little strategy:
SFI has set up a Great Mega Super Store "TripleClicks" with World Brand Products from World Brand Marketers