SFI is the place where sky is the limit for anyone to grow.
While trying to build a second income with a company like SFI, before we reap the benefits we are being systematically trained on all aspects of business.
To enter into SFI one need not be a sound business man, extraordinary financial back up is not required and no investment as such is required.
After joining, the first 30 days are the period when the newcomer is taught all about SFI Business and in the process one is able to gather valuable versa points step by step.
When we gather 1500 versa points, we reach the second level of Executive Affiliate and from there starts the real fun...
Any income is beneficial to anyone isn't it?? How do you earn it, makes the difference.
To earn money one has to put in all his efforts, require some capital and venture into a field where one will be strong.
But SFI business doesn't warrant any of these as our experience shows now.
Do we find a better place and better business where we can build an income (not necessarily second income) just like that??
Certainly not!!
Hence, you will agree with me, in the light of the above, building a second income with a company like SFI is absolutely beneficial to any one!!! Correct???
SFI is the place where sky is the limit for anyone to grow.
While trying to build a second income with a company like SFI, before we reap the benefits we are being systematically trained on all aspects of business.
To enter into SFI one need not be a sound business man, extraordinary financial back up is not required and no investment as such is required.
After joining, the first 30 days are the period when the newcomer is taught all about SFI Business and in the