Point out your Eager Zebra badges to them, explain the prizes they can win, and the subsequent goals they can attain by using their prizes for actions.
Describe the feeling of holding off a field of 150, 170, 300 other players of Knockout Trivia to become the winner!! (It's absolutely delightful!!) And it can be quite an accomplishment to be proud of, holding off a large group, discovering knowledge you had no idea you knew!!
Another major benefit to Knockout Trivia is it is a stress reliever. How? Because when you play, you are totally focused on reading that question in a hurry so you have time to choose an answer, by knowing it or trying to deduce it from the wording or spelling of the answers. When the game is over, your mind and body have just spent 20 minutes or so NOT thinking, stressing, worrying over any thing else at all, and you will discover yourself much more relaxed and actually mentally refreshed, in a better mood to deal with the rest of your tasks!! Works much better than medicine!!
And the icing...? It really is lots of FUN to choose the right answer (Yaay!! didn't know I knew that!! OR, Whew!!, I'm glad I guessed right?!!)! A challenge just purely to test your knowledge, and teach you new information (when you answer wrong, get Knocked Out, you learn the correct answer), much of which is quite interesting!
Other than being somewhat addictive, maybe spending a little too much play time, I really find no negatives to playing Knockout Trivia, just fun!!
Knockout can be used to teach your team the benefits and joys of exercising their minds for no other reason than fun, and being able to maybe earn a few bragging rights!!:))...
Point out your Eager Zebra badges to them, explain the prizes they can win, and the subsequent goals they can attain by using their prizes for actions.
Describe the feeling of holding off a field of 150, 170, 300 other players of Knockout Trivia to become the winner!! (It's absolutely delightful!!) And it can be quite an accomplishment to be proud of, holding off a large group, discovering knowledge you had no idea you knew!!
Another major benefit to Knockout Trivia is it is