If I could completely start over with SFI knowing what you know now what would you do differently?
To be honest if I had to restart SFI there will be nothing I would do differently.The only thing I wish most is that I had more funds available to use as capital.This is not a problem for as long as I can maintain my SO I know" where there is a will there is a way"I am the type of person when I want something I go after it no matter how long it takes for me to get it done.
The main aim here is to make as much VP as you can make sure you get you 11VP daily I keep seeing 10VP mentioned in forum but this does not make sense to me for these are Free VP meaning you do not need TCredits to achieve them and they are given complements SFI so I show my gratitude by earning all my free VP 497 to be exact monthly and 100 for standing order.
The only problem I am experiencing is the communication of my sponsor he sends me email that I do not understand and his communication is NOT frequent.Next there are rules here I do not understand why must I contact my sponsor when my success is his /her success I should be my sponsor's priority NOT his option.So to be HONEST if I had to start over I would prefer a sponsor who is a people's person and like to communicate all the essentials for me to be successful in other words make me a duplicate of him /her.A leader is someone who shows you the way forward even if the leader is only 1 inch in front.This is a problem a very BIG problem.
Here is a tip for you
the main thing here is to accumulate as much VP as you can daily.
either through PRMS .PSAs or CSAs.
My sponsor don't help me but I have met some great a2a friends who certainly do!Thanks to them and they know who there are.
There is nothing I would do differently so I will continue on my road to success
If I could completely start over with SFI knowing what you know now what would you do differently?
To be honest if I had to restart SFI there will be nothing I would do differently.The only thing I wish most is that I had more funds available to use as capital.This is not a problem for as long as I can maintain my SO I know" where there is a will there is a way"I am the type of person when I want something I go after it no matter how long it takes for me to get it done.
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