my oppinion is, that it is more effective to distribute TC gift cards in person then online. As you have more ways to distribute them. You can leav them wherever you want, in restorans, cabs, shops as it is explained by SFI, or handel them out to friends, family or people you meat.
But you have to see how much is the shipping fee to the place where you are from, cause sometimes it is even higher then the cost of the cards, and if that is the case with you, I would suggest to buy the digital version. as you can get an extra set for it.
Another solution is to bid for them on trippeclicks and if you get them for a low price, then it is cost effective for you to get the plastic version, as you pay just the low price and the shipping fee.
my oppinion is, that it is more effective to distribute TC gift cards in person then online. As you have more ways to distribute them. You can leav them wherever you want, in restorans, cabs, shops as it is explained by SFI, or handel them out to friends, family or people you meat.
But you have to see how much is the shipping fee to the place where you are from, cause sometimes it is even higher then the cost of the cards, and if that is the case with you, I would ...more