I would ask them if they want to become successful in life. Not only with affiliate marketing but just in general. I would ask them what made them join SFI in the first place and let them know that SFI is still there for them. I imagined they signed up for a reason so I would also ask why they stopped and provide solutions to those answers.
There are a whole host of resources and motivational things that your able to relay to them. My personal favorite is Gift Certificates. If you build up a rapport with second home CSAs and they are just struggling to jump back in and get started again, then a Gift certificate is a great way to get started.
If while discussing with your affiliate that they are struggling to get leads then maybe a gift certificate for PSAs will get them motivated. Not to mention you receive back 45% and those potential other affiliates could end up being gems as well..growing your business even further just for helping out.
The main thing I think is just building that rapport through email and IM. These are the lifeblood of your business because making friends is the way to go. These people are crucial to your success and they should be treated as such.
I would ask them if they want to become successful in life. Not only with affiliate marketing but just in general. I would ask them what made them join SFI in the first place and let them know that SFI is still there for them. I imagined they signed up for a reason so I would also ask why they stopped and provide solutions to those answers.
There are a whole host of resources and motivational things that your able to relay to them. My personal favorite is Gift Certificates. If you build ...more