As soon as you are awarded , second home CSAs you should go to genealogy. You are assuming that they are not active ( and may be that is why you assume that second home CSAs are always inactive and are awarded to team leaders to keep them active.)
However second home CSAs are awarded to you because their earlier Co Sponsor could not keep his/ her leadership rank.
There are chances that Second home CSAs are active too. If they are inactive they can be found out from Genealogy.
Once you identify them, send them Welcome to my team - E card. Then may be the subsequent day, send individual mail to their personal email ids about your introduction as their Co-Sponsor and mention how you are committed for their success in SFI.
Further try to locate them in Facebook or skype or Linkedin or google + and send add request. Chances are there that , since Second home CSAs have received ecard and email from you, they will add you . Start communication by thanking them for adding their co sponsor in skype/ messenger/ facebook etc. Then inform them that you want to have a one to one session with them online and get a time from them.
This way you can start establishing rapport with them. In subsequent meetings try to understand the reasons of in activity and offer them the reason to be active.
As soon as you are awarded , second home CSAs you should go to genealogy. You are assuming that they are not active ( and may be that is why you assume that second home CSAs are always inactive and are awarded to team leaders to keep them active.)
However second home CSAs are awarded to you because their earlier Co Sponsor could not keep his/ her leadership rank.
There are chances that Second home CSAs are active too. If they are inactive they can be found out from Genealogy.