Carrier pigeon with a note on it's foot works well unless it's a rookie pigeon and get's lost on the way.
Smoke signals are a personal favorite maybe because of the Sioux Indian in my blood.
Or I guess you can try contacting them by e-mail using both team mail and directly from your own personal e-mail account.
No matter how you contact them you have to be regular and consistent and inform them about the joys of SFI as a Home Business. Don't mention standing orders. Don't pressure them to earn 1500VP every month. Help them do what they can with what they have which is often very little.
Have a plan of action to walk them step by step as a free member to earning money promoting sales at TripleClicks. Focus on what will get them to earn their first few dollars over the long term goal of having a massive team. Don't tell them to spend 4 hours surfing exchanges or sort through 1,000 e-mails a day doing safelist, and instead focus on building direct marketing skills and gathering leads through classifieds ads and other free ad systems.
You want them to get the best return on their time investment and that is not in a traffic exchange. I know, I have owned 3 of them and even as an owner the sign-ups for my main business were slow and inconsistent. The more they work for little pay and low results the more apt they are to quit, so start them slow and stead and have them doing task that snowball into an avalanche.
Your CSA will respond and become active at about the same rate as your PSA and it's important that when they do you get them into a group and working with you and your other workers. Expand communication past a team mail and keep them active.
Carrier pigeon with a note on it's foot works well unless it's a rookie pigeon and get's lost on the way.
Smoke signals are a personal favorite maybe because of the Sioux Indian in my blood.
Or I guess you can try contacting them by e-mail using both team mail and directly from your own personal e-mail account.
No matter how you contact them you have to be regular and consistent and inform them about the joys of SFI as a Home Business. Don't mention standing orders.