"What's the best way to gain the attention of Second Home CSAs and get them active again?"
This question assumes that second home CSAs are inactive. That is not necessarily so. It is their previous co-sponsors who became inactive and lost them. Anyone who does not maintain his EA status loses any CSAs he may have had, so these people then become 2nd home CSAs. I have just recently got a new co-sponsor and it is great to have a co-sponsor who is active and stays in touch with me, but I was not inactive.
The best way to gain the attention of your second home CSAs is to contact them as soon as you get them and let them know that you are their new co-sponsor and welcome them to your team and make offers of help etc. They may not need your help at all. You may be lucky enough to get someone who is already a team leader. That doesn’t matter; you need to open the lines of communication with them and be friendly and helpful.
Post regularly and often in Stream. Your CSAs get your stream posts, and there‘s nothing worse than seeing old posts there for weeks on end, as was the case with my old co-sponsor. His old posts would clog up my Stream page and frustrate me; so don’t do that. Write often and share something useful and encouraging that your CSAs and PSAs will want to read.
Send weekly team mails to your CSAs as well as your PSAs. This will keep communication open and get the attention of your second home CSAs.
If they are inactive, send them an ecard which will be delivered to their email. Introduce yourself and share your passion for SFI and offer to help them make a success of their SFI business. Also share any competitions you may have going, let them know of any training material you may have produced and guide them to your leadership page.
Treat an inactive second home CSA just as you would any new PSA. After all they are part of your team, too, and their success will contribute to your own.
I hope my answer will help you.
"What's the best way to gain the attention of Second Home CSAs and get them active again?"
This question assumes that second home CSAs are inactive. That is not necessarily so. It is their previous co-sponsors who became inactive and lost them. Anyone who does not maintain his EA status loses any CSAs he may have had, so these people then become 2nd home CSAs. I have just recently got a new co-sponsor and it is great to have a co-sponsor who is active and stays in touch with