Hello Mr. Devos.
It is a "tricky business" that blog, or website :), and it is tricky exactly because the reason in your question. So many Affiliates, so many blogs and sites, all almost lookalike the same. What I did was that I read everything on my Home Page a lot of times (still do), and put it together on my site with my own words as much as I could. Some facts about the business, about SFI You just can`t say otherwise than it is, just try to awoid beeing like everyone else. Be Yourself, put in some light humor where it is possible, not just pure facts. Google a littlebit for some nice pictures....some quotes of motivation...
"Give" Your blog Your mark, be Yourself, be positive and honest. Use Your own words. People can feel that. Just read and learn and make it as shor as it possible, there are a lot of informations about SFI. Give the essence of it...like You see it.
Hope I helped, have success.
Hello Mr. Devos.
It is a "tricky business" that blog, or website :), and it is tricky exactly because the reason in your question. So many Affiliates, so many blogs and sites, all almost lookalike the same. What I did was that I read everything on my Home Page a lot of times (still do), and put it together on my site with my own words as much as I could. Some facts about the business, about SFI You just can`t say otherwise than it is, just try to awoid beeing like everyone else. Be ...more