Well to me some of the better ways to hold OFFLine classes or seminars to train your PSAs about what SFI and TripleClicks is all about ? :
Well some venues for a start assuming that we will be starting off with small groups like either 1 or 3 to 4 I would arrange to meet at an convenient and yet quiet corner in a cafe or coffee house to share from your laptop or IPad with some keynotes printout summary for takeaway and reinforcement and when the group grows we can either arrange to meet say at some classrooms or office or a small function room .
However as SFI and Tripleclicks are a Global business we should try to arrange for a webinar training sessions or even try teleconference or group Skype chats particularly good for sharing of testimonials and motivational sharing and all when you have an informal PSAs all over the world
Well to me some of the better ways to hold OFFLine classes or seminars to train your PSAs about what SFI and TripleClicks is all about ? :
Well some venues for a start assuming that we will be starting off with small groups like either 1 or 3 to 4 I would arrange to meet at an convenient and yet quiet corner in a cafe or coffee house to share from your laptop or IPad with some keynotes printout summary for takeaway and reinforcement and when the group grows we can either arrange to meet ...more