The best way to convince someone is to prove it can be done by doing it yourself well ahead of them. In advance of that you can inform them that you see others who are earning substantial incomes and that is good enough for you to stick with it. Be inspired and show your enthusiasm and it might spark their interest toward becoming a member of your team. If they appear reluctant because of failures in other affiliate or MLM programs let them know it is not like anything else you've ever tried before and that it's free to join and that they can opt out anytime.
The best way to convince someone is to prove it can be done by doing it yourself well ahead of them. In advance of that you can inform them that you see others who are earning substantial incomes and that is good enough for you to stick with it. Be inspired and show your enthusiasm and it might spark their interest toward becoming a member of your team. If they appear reluctant because of failures in other affiliate or MLM programs let them know it is not like anything else you've ever tried before ...more