In my opinion, a blog would be more useful and effective compared to a regular hosted website. here the the reasons.
1. A blog can easily be updated and new contents added to it. you don't need to have basic html knowledge to maintain a blog, which is not the case with a regularly hosted website. you must have html or php knowledge depending on the language your site is built on. Adding new pages to a basic website will not be that easy to someone who is not knowledgeable in these languages.
2. In terms of SEO, blogs get preference to static pages and since most of the blog platforms are already optimized for the search engines, it makes your life a lot easier.
3. since its a lot easier to add comments to blogs, you get a lot of nosy bees hovering around your blog, visitors seeking back links and a lot of scammers, good will advertisers seeking cheap advert on the internet, you just cannot tell which of these can convert.
4. As mentioned above, you can easily added contents to a blog, this is quite exciting and encouraging and there is no limit to what you add in a day. The more fresh content you add, the more the search engines love your site and the more pages of your site that is indexed. These also goes to say the more your chances of featuring in a related keyword search.
After all said and done, a blog is best for advertising SFI.
In my opinion, a blog would be more useful and effective compared to a regular hosted website. here the the reasons.
1. A blog can easily be updated and new contents added to it. you don't need to have basic html knowledge to maintain a blog, which is not the case with a regularly hosted website. you must have html or php knowledge depending on the language your site is built on. Adding new pages to a basic website will not be that easy to someone who is not knowledgeable in these