In my opinion there is no better-pensioners and the housewives.This is a job for everyone who wants and is willing to work.Housewives is more convenient because they can earn, and without end and home affairs and the kids, and everyone else this deal makes a lot of benefits, so do not pick a target group.
Promote everyone who wants it will work, who will-not .. and so is.This job for all-and for retirees and for housewives,and for ordinary workers as additional income,and for biznisman-so- Promote to everyone.
Best Regards
In my opinion there is no better-pensioners and the housewives.This is a job for everyone who wants and is willing to work.Housewives is more convenient because they can earn, and without end and home affairs and the kids, and everyone else this deal makes a lot of benefits, so do not pick a target group.
Promote everyone who wants it will work, who will-not .. and so is.This job for all-and for retirees and for housewives,and for ordinary workers as additional income,and for ...more