"How to advertise successfully on Facebook and other social media?"
Hi! Jasmina
First of all, you aren’t really selling a product. You are selling yourself.
People do business with people they like and feel confident in.
Use social media to be an Awesome Leader.
List your Website right on your profile on Facebook and Twitter. After people get interested in you as a person, they will click on your Website out of curiosity.
You’ll have sold them without doing any selling.
Do this in every other social network you belong to. It should be a hyper-link that takes them directly to your Website.
Don’t make it hard for people to find out what you do. If they like you as a person, you’ve already overcome the toughest obstacle.
I highly suggest getting social media training so that you learn how to sell without pushing; it’s called attraction or relationship marketing.
Also it is important to learn the social media etiquette required as it differs with each social network.
The first thing I learn in those course or EBook I read about Social Media is to not sell on social media.
Use it to build relationships, warm up leads, provide value, which will attract more sales than you ever thought possible.
The more consistent you are with your use of social media the more you will attract quality people to your down-line and build a huge business, your social media will work for you!
Contact individuals who are passionate about the same things you are. Like the one you know Work at home and Online Business *Entrepreneurs or Unemployed.
The most important Tools for Social media:
1- Your Social Media Strategy
2- Be Seen on Facebook
3- Tweet on Twitter
4- Connect with Colleagues on LinkedIn
5- Broadcast Your Business on YouTube
6- Growing Your Social Media Presence
7- Provide valuable content.
I hope I help you a bit,
Good Luck in your Advertising & Duplication.
"How to advertise successfully on Facebook and other social media?"
Hi! Jasmina
First of all, you aren’t really selling a product. You are selling yourself.
People do business with people they like and feel confident in.
Use social media to be an Awesome Leader.
List your Website right on your profile on Facebook and Twitter. After people get interested in you as a person, they will click on your Website out of curiosity.