that is very intresting question. In my opinion you never shoud limit your self or your ads on one demographic grop.
Best thing is to make more diferent ads, the content of which depends on wich is the targeted group and in which the country / region they live.
Just try more options, use key codes, and see wich of them are giving the best results.
And one tip, look at ads, see what other people are doing, and learn from their experience.
I hope this helped.
Good luck and very best to you.
that is very intresting question. In my opinion you never shoud limit your self or your ads on one demographic grop.
Best thing is to make more diferent ads, the content of which depends on wich is the targeted group and in which the country / region they live.
Just try more options, use key codes, and see wich of them are giving the best results.
And one tip, look at ads, see what other people are doing, and learn from their experience.
I hope this helped.
Good ...more