SFI is a Universal Business that grows anywhere you plant it. I don't believe that there is a particular country better than the other because an adage says when you teach a man how to fish and not just to give him to eat, he continues that way.
We have friends in several cities and countries, you can call them up on phone, E-mail, text messages, etc., and talk to them about SFI, it all depends on your presentation. Once you are able to convince the person to register and you also teach the person how to duplicate, the person goes ahead to do the advert in his or her city there, while you proceed to somewhere else to continue.
We use individuals to do our adverts in several places, you might be very lucky to get a large turn-up in some areas you least expected.
Make a very good flyer, good jingle, and train some people to go out and canvas.
Building of Rome started one day and grew gradually, therefore we also need to start from somewhere. It's a gradual process, and you will be there.
SFI is a Universal Business that grows anywhere you plant it. I don't believe that there is a particular country better than the other because an adage says when you teach a man how to fish and not just to give him to eat, he continues that way.
We have friends in several cities and countries, you can call them up on phone, E-mail, text messages, etc., and talk to them about SFI, it all depends on your presentation. Once you are able to convince the person to register and you also teach