To ensure success you must visit your business every day and do not leave until you have done something These have worked and are working for me:
1. Complete actions on to do list page. This is your guide.
2. Employ your writing skill and knowledge and answer some of those AskSC questions. You may get lucky and win first, second or third best answer.
3. Play the Eager Zebra games. You might get the right prediction.
4. Buy from your TripleClicks store and refer your friends there too.
5. Build your downline by advertising. There are free advertising online.
6. Create your own SFI business cards and distribute these to persons.
7. Dristribute flyers.
8. Invite ECAs in your country
Get excited. Spread the word every where- to family friends and strangers.
Look like a million dollars and you will attract prospective affiliates.
To ensure success you must visit your business every day and do not leave until you have done something These have worked and are working for me:
1. Complete actions on to do list page. This is your guide.
2. Employ your writing skill and knowledge and answer some of those AskSC questions. You may get lucky and win first, second or third best answer.
3. Play the Eager Zebra games. You might get the right prediction.
4. Buy from your TripleClicks store and refer your friends there ...more