Every country is a good country. But to some, they might think most populous country would be a better choice because of the big population, giving them the big and huge chance for success.
Actual fact, Ultra Simple Plan teaches us to find 5 active affiliates and duplication being carried out or exercised. Multiplication started from these 5 1st liners. To me, where to advertise is important but not really important, quality and active affiliates are!
They could come from the remote areas with thriving energy to taste success, would work hard to ensure they achieve their goals. Or would you prefer someone very 'urban' signed up, have a peek at SFI and gone with zero point scored! Taking into account their spending power too, we know that minimal amount could be spent here at SFI and the rate of success depends so much on commitment of the individual.
Language could be a barrier to some. If you advertise in the non-english speaking nation, communication may be a problem, but SFI has a translation option. So, not so much, and not to forget A2A friends.. can be of help here.
I think, the most important is to get active affiliate wherever you advertise. Key codes and and hit tracking on your gateways would give you some indication on where your targeted market would be.
All the best.
Every country is a good country. But to some, they might think most populous country would be a better choice because of the big population, giving them the big and huge chance for success.
Actual fact, Ultra Simple Plan teaches us to find 5 active affiliates and duplication being carried out or exercised. Multiplication started from these 5 1st liners. To me, where to advertise is important but not really important, quality and active affiliates are!
They could come from