In my view, the best country(ies) to advertise SFI would be your own. I say this because there are several advantages for doing so. This does not mean that you should not venture into other countries but when there is such a high potential in your country, it would be wise to look closer to home.
It is a lot easier to explain the concept of SFI to prospects who understand you when both you and the prospect speak the same language. You can also place emphasis on the earning opportunity within SFI in the target market where you know joining SFI will better the lives of other fellow countrymen.
When you market SFI in your own country chances are that you can organize group meetings for prospects easily. Physical contact improves the your ability to join more recruits as it strengthens the notion of joining a company that is trustworthy. Many people are skeptical about online ventures because you join using a series of commands and until you join, you are unable to judge whether it is a bonafide company to work with.
You can judge how to build your business by the number of Affiliates who are actively involved in your country and that gives you an advantage of expanding in a market that has high potential. You will achieve success and the rate of your results will be higher. If your country has a population of 50 million and only 60,000 affiliates are active, this should give you an idea of the market that is untapped.
To expand and build your business, you need to boost your income through referrals and ECAs. It's a lot easier to discuss this opportunity when you are in your own country. You can create time for such one to one meetings. Personal contact builds trust and long term relationships which will be useful in you business on a long term.
In my view, the best country(ies) to advertise SFI would be your own. I say this because there are several advantages for doing so. This does not mean that you should not venture into other countries but when there is such a high potential in your country, it would be wise to look closer to home.
It is a lot easier to explain the concept of SFI to prospects who understand you when both you and the prospect speak the same language. You can also place emphasis on