Thank you for the good question.'At this time,which are the best countries,to advertise SFI in?' Advertisements as a tool to inform,attract and maintain customers should be advertised in every country.SFI should be the best affiliate site in the world.It should reach everybody in the world. However,some people may target countries where SFI has not reached,that is when 'the countries leaderboard' comes in handy.You can check the country you need to advertise in agaist those listed. Others may wish to advertise in countries where SFI is doing well;in this case you may be informing the already informed and may not get very good results.
Thank you for the good question.'At this time,which are the best countries,to advertise SFI in?' Advertisements as a tool to inform,attract and maintain customers should be advertised in every country.SFI should be the best affiliate site in the world.It should reach everybody in the world. However,some people may target countries where SFI has not reached,that is when 'the countries leaderboard' comes in handy.You can check the country ...more