College students are almost very good with the various devices that come up in the market and their knowledge is almost certainly updated as they keep up with the latest technology. They are young and also flexible in their approach to new ideas and this makes talking to them about any concept easy. The fact that some of them may be looking for part time earning opportunities while they pursue their studies is an incentive to join SFI.
- I would approach the head of the college and organize a presentation with the business class of students.
- most college students have meeting points like every Fridays when they get together for a fun party, with a little research it would not be difficult to find out the popular spots where they gather - distribute your flyers at such strategic locations.
- talk to your neighbors and find out which college their child attends - this is another way to obtain details about their friends.
- movies are a popular weekend event for college students; another point of marketing here;
If you get one college student to join using your presentation, you will not have to do much work as they will bring in their friends and the network will start building.
College students are almost very good with the various devices that come up in the market and their knowledge is almost certainly updated as they keep up with the latest technology. They are young and also flexible in their approach to new ideas and this makes talking to them about any concept easy. The fact that some of them may be looking for part time earning opportunities while they pursue their studies is an incentive to join SFI.
- I would approach the head of the college and organize ...more