At this time many college students are having many issues with student loans and paying college fees in general so one would believe that they should be easy to attract to join SFI. In fact they might be fairly easy to attract to SFI but the greater problem might be getting them to remain active especially as it is not a quick fix.
So try to place flyers at strategic places on Campus.
Try to place attactive ads. in College magazines/newspapers or in Sporting magazines.
Most of them are going to be very active online so social media would be a very good method to use.
For the Campuses that are physically within reach try to get invited to club meetings or simply hangout in cafeterias etc, and talk, remember word of mouth is still good and especially when they get to know and trust you.
These might be a few of the many options available.
At this time many college students are having many issues with student loans and paying college fees in general so one would believe that they should be easy to attract to join SFI. In fact they might be fairly easy to attract to SFI but the greater problem might be getting them to remain active especially as it is not a quick fix.
So try to place flyers at strategic places on Campus.
Try to place attactive ads. in College magazines/newspapers or in ...more