You might not have written any ads before, but you have read thousands of them over the years!!
Keep in mind the ones that have appealed to you and those that leave you cold. Think of what you would respond to about SFI or TripleClicks.
Then go to marketing aids, wander thru the pre-prepared ads there. Find the training material in SFI. Go to askSC, find question(s)on subject, read ALL the answers. If you still aren't sure, talk to upline or a2a friends, or try asking in Forum for advice, pointers.
You might not have written any ads before, but you have read thousands of them over the years!!
Keep in mind the ones that have appealed to you and those that leave you cold. Think of what you would respond to about SFI or TripleClicks.
Then go to marketing aids, wander thru the pre-prepared ads there. Find the training material in SFI. Go to askSC, find question(s)on subject, read ALL the answers. If you still aren't sure, talk to upline or a2a friends, or try asking ...more