Well I would say to get people who are engaged in other network marketing businesses to take a look at SFI I would highlight to them the following why SFI is here to stay having been in the business for so long and can build and contribute to not only various multiple streams of income and well as a potentially growing residual and recurring income for life that is sustainable and unlike other Affiliate marketing cos which may not be there when you have build it up in years to come .
And Highlighting and Sharing of SFI CREDENTIALS BY THE NUMBERS :
16th successful year for SFI (29th for SFI's parent company)14-year Bronze member of Better Business Bureau
1.5 million affiliates
2.4 million TripleClicks members
112,000+ commissionable products (1,730 new added last week)
7,037 E-Commerce Affiliates (in 166 countries)
228 LocalPay Merchants (in 52 countries)
2,010 - TripleClicks.com's global popularity rank (source: Alexa.com)
Millions - Commissions paid out to our affiliates (in US Dollars)
The various testimonials as attested :https://www.sfimg.com/saying.html and my personal testimonial should be most powerful and convincing as well as my personal Payooner card As proof of payment without hassle and offer them a TC gift card with a grow a second income Xcard
All the best and see you at the top soon