Well to me the following are some of the better and most effective ways to boost your income with SFI:
Setting up a ECA to create more revenue and profits as well as listing your white elephants unwanted and unused or excess stuff for sale on members listing on TripleClicks.
Focus on Recruiting and sponsoring as much ECAs and PRMS as possible to maximize recurring commissions, royalties and VERSA Points
Focus on becoming the highest Team leadership possible that is PTL to earn maximum award of second home CSAs , matching VPs and commissions and not forgetting to mentor and sponsor more PSAs and guide them to be able to duplicate and attain at least EA2 and more so max out the pasoible earnings from recurring commissions , matching VERSA points as well as Action VPs which helps to build up your monthly TL award .
Actively promoting the various available Niche TRipleClicks listings to generate more sales as well as Pricebenders Auctions to get more recurring commissions and revenue for yourself
You can actively promote. SFIPPA to further boost your income as you can earn a bounty for every qualified SFI affiliate sign-ups up to $10.00 per sign up
Remember to bookmark https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/CompPlan#ppa
So that you can focus on what brings the money for you to boost you income be it Direct commissions to TripleClicks Executive Pool to Co-Sponsor Commissions to TCredit Bonus to
ECA Referral Program to SFI Pay-Per-Action.
All the best and see you all at the top soon
Well to me the following are some of the better and most effective ways to boost your income with SFI:
Setting up a ECA to create more revenue and profits as well as listing your white elephants unwanted and unused or excess stuff for sale on members listing on TripleClicks.
Focus on Recruiting and sponsoring as much ECAs and PRMS as possible to maximize recurring commissions, royalties and VERSA Points
Focus on becoming the highest Team leadership possible