Hello Nsima
I was logged in to SFI maybe 5 years ago by searching on internet for jobs online. But then I had no idea what is going on or what should I do with this program, because no one there explained me anything. In the beginning of this year I saw that one relative of mine which lives in a different country from me was advertising her work and also the great prizes and branded products that she have won on Price Benders auctions. I asked and after log in in SFI it became clear to me that I was back there from where I have left. But now things are better:
NOW I have great sponsor which is helping with answers, support, ideas and examples so in the first months I knew what I am working and where will that take me.
NOW SFI had become better to understand and gives to the affiliates one month learning totally free.
NOW there are much more tools for advertising and social networks that we can use in our way to success.
NOW we can use TripleClicks games and auctions for free and off the price products that we are receiving like a rewards.
NOW we can use TripleClicks like our own shop where for the things that we bay we get discounts.And we can promote and sell their products for commission. And we can always sell our products by opening totally free ECA worldwide.
This and many more reasons are the things that we can consider for talking with someone who has abandoned SFI to start and have a try one more time, and this time with SUCCESS.
I hope sharing my experience will help you.
Hello Nsima
I was logged in to SFI maybe 5 years ago by searching on internet for jobs online. But then I had no idea what is going on or what should I do with this program, because no one there explained me anything. In the beginning of this year I saw that one relative of mine which lives in a different country from me was advertising her work and also the great prizes and branded products that she have won on Price Benders auctions. I asked and after log in in SFI it became clear to me that