There are many things new affiliates NOT DO in their first month;
1. They must not skip the audio discussion of our President and Founder Sir. Gery Carson
2. They must not in a hurry completing the 30 days launchpad lesson. They must understand its contents. The advice is 1-2 launchpad lessons a day
3. They must not earning points of the actions at the to-do-list without reading or understanding what are being discussed in each topic.
4. They must not in a hurry inviting their warm list because if their prospect will ask question, they can't explain it well or can't refer the right page for the particular topics of the question asked. They will practice to their casual acquaintance.
5. They must not Expect big income in their first month in the business because Earning such is extraordinary with luck ( frustration will be in them if it will not hit) First 6 months is training and learning period, next one year is digging foundation period and the next one year is the building period.
There are many things NOT TO DO but for me the first five is the best. Hope this helps.