To derive maximum benefits from being S F I affiliate the first thing one has to realize is that your SFI Affiliation is just the beginning and a mere stepping stone from where you have to travel many miles.
The very fact that you are an SFI Affiliate itself brings you many benefits without any cost to us. You are exposed to one of the best web site with access to information /methods, procedures and feed backs which will take you a long way to make you perfect. Just concentrate and complete all your launch pad lessons. Go through various postings in Forum and never miss Ask SC votes (30 daily). Do not click merely for the sake of points but concentrate in the lessons and opportunities those are waiting for us to tap. Never miss an opportunity to discuss with your up line as well as your down line to clarify an doubts . Once this becomes our habit success will indeed on its way. It will just be a matter of time.
One important thing being a SFI Affiliate is that this is the only time the least is expected from you in terms of results and you are without any pressure as to achieving any targets. Once you start getting your senior posts such as EA 1, EA2, and Group leadership our responsibilities and expectations from us also increase. So my suggestion is that to get maximum benefits being an Affiliate is just to concentrate and spend maximum time in mastering your basics. In due course you will have a team by multiplications which automatically brings more and more success to us.
To derive maximum benefits from being S F I affiliate the first thing one has to realize is that your SFI Affiliation is just the beginning and a mere stepping stone from where you have to travel many miles.
The very fact that you are an SFI Affiliate itself brings you many benefits without any cost to us. You are exposed to one of the best web site with access to information /methods, procedures and feed backs which will take you a long way to make you perfect. Just ...more