you have asked a very good question. i personally say this, it does matter what kind of business you are into, but here at sfi you are going to have to make conciderable effort. will say to them your success in riches will not be overnight. i will tell them the get rich quick concept is not realistic in any line of business. true success in business comes from being focused, setting goals, investing in the business an looking at what you are doing as a real business. every business takes time to grow and evolve.
you have asked a very good question. i personally say this, it does matter what kind of business you are into, but here at sfi you are going to have to make conciderable effort. will say to them your success in riches will not be overnight. i will tell them the get rich quick concept is not realistic in any line of business. true success in business comes from being focused, setting goals, investing in the business an looking at what you are doing as a real business. every ...more