This is a great question. I would first of all understand that being a sponsor and or co- sponsor has its responsibility to down line whether they are PSA's or CSA's. You must be there and ready to answer any questions they ask, if you do not know the answer your up line will and then you can pass on the answer to your down line. In being their for them try and avoid some mistakes.
1.Don't contact your down line to often unless they get in contact with you. Once a week newsletter is better.
2. Do not be forceful to them on any subject. Especially money.
3. Never show you are up set with them. But do show kindness that goes a long ways.
4. Try not to be bossy. That will run them off
5. Try and not tell them they have to make a level up to next level. Be encouraging instead.
This is a great question. I would first of all understand that being a sponsor and or co- sponsor has its responsibility to down line whether they are PSA's or CSA's. You must be there and ready to answer any questions they ask, if you do not know the answer your up line will and then you can pass on the answer to your down line. In being their for them try and avoid some mistakes.
1.Don't contact your down line to often unless they get in contact with you. Once a week newsletter is better. ...more