To answer this question, you first have to understand what an Action VersaPoint is.
If you go to the To-Do List tab, you will see a Type code in the listings. It is either and S or an A. Those sources of VP that are sales based are coded S. Those sources that are action based are coded A.
So, your question hinges on the sources of VP that have an A designator.
I preach to clear out the red tabs in your shop each day. These actions are Action VP. There is a limit as to how many points you can earn each month doing these actions, so I do not think we could label them as the "best," but ignore them at your peril...
If you duplicate yourself and give those EA2+ support to the point that they give you good ratings, you get a minimum of 100 action VP each month from each EA2+. If they are also duplicating, then the action VP you get from their rank increases. This is the best way to get the Action VP that you need for your rank increases.
Thus I hope that you can see that the best way to get AVP is to duplicate, and then teach them to duplicate. When you do this, the AVP from supporting your downline can blossom and grow.
To answer this question, you first have to understand what an Action VersaPoint is.
If you go to the To-Do List tab, you will see a Type code in the listings. It is either and S or an A. Those sources of VP that are sales based are coded S. Those sources that are action based are coded A.
So, your question hinges on the sources of VP that have an A designator.
I preach to clear out the red tabs in your shop each day. These actions are Action VP. There is a limit