Right off the bat, you will get 100AVP for having a Standing Order of at least 1500VP. (This will earn you EA (or 2) so you can concentrate on balance of VPs for BTL.) However much over 1500 your SO is, up to 2000 max SalesVP, you will need that much less to reach Bronze TL (or higher, whichever).
So - you can acquire up to 2000 SVP during the month. That leaves AT LEAST 1000 more needed to reach a TL status. I'm sure you're aware of the VPs available daily from clearing red tabs on Home page. These amount to 330 over the month.
There are weekly and monthly tasks on To-do list that will also gain VPs for you. (152).
When there are new AskSC questions, answer them if you can. (The newer you are, the more difficulty you may have because of lack of knowledge yet. But if you think you can help, don't be afraid to put out an answer.) There are 2 reasons: 1) You are increasing the knowledge/tips/suggestions base for other affiliates to find answers, and 2) Your answers could win 100VP for best, 50VP for second, 25VP for 3rd to tenth place! More potential AVPs!!:)
Now we have Eager Zebra games: Time Machine will cost you 1TC per daily entry, might win you thousands, literally, of TCs with which you can bid auctions (1VP/bid), make purchases (SVPs, but if you go over 2000, they will still count toward your overall VP total, which will help with your overall standing in your country, your class, and overall of all SFI affiliates!!
Also, there are other things on To-do list that happen irregularly, and carry AVPs,
like adding SFI/TC banners to your website or blog.
These are some of the most commonly used Actions to gain VPs. Plus, when you have EA2s or higher, you will receive SVPs from their sales, and VPs for some of their other actions, as well as shares in the Executive Pool. All these contribute to your monthly commissions.
Remember to read and learn all you can, put it into action to build a strong downline, KNOWING it will NOT happen overnight. Or over 6 months, generally. Be in SFI for the long haul (like, the rest of your life!), treat it like the business it is, and in time you will have a solid residual income to enjoy.
Best wishes to you...
Right off the bat, you will get 100AVP for having a Standing Order of at least 1500VP. (This will earn you EA (or 2) so you can concentrate on balance of VPs for BTL.) However much over 1500 your SO is, up to 2000 max SalesVP, you will need that much less to reach Bronze TL (or higher, whichever).
So - you can acquire up to 2000 SVP during the month. That leaves AT LEAST 1000 more needed to reach a TL status. I'm sure you're aware of the VPs available daily from clearing red tabs on