Absolutely! As a young person just starting out on their own that have the willingness to learn and is teachable, absolutely! Why? SFI is FREE to join, offers excellent training...FREE, awesome sponsoring tips...FREE, multiple streams of income...Free, your very own store-front...Free.
I wish SFI was available to me when I was 18 years old, I'd be a millionaire right now. My daughter is 19 and I am starting to get her spun up on SFI and any of my nieces and nephew's that are 18 and older...
It just makes since, the earlier you start the greater the potential to become financially independent. Everything you need is provided for you, learn while you earn is in full effect.
I would definitely recommend SFI to anyone 18 and older.
Absolutely! As a young person just starting out on their own that have the willingness to learn and is teachable, absolutely! Why? SFI is FREE to join, offers excellent training...FREE, awesome sponsoring tips...FREE, multiple streams of income...Free, your very own store-front...Free.
I wish SFI was available to me when I was 18 years old, I'd be a millionaire right now. My daughter is 19 and I am starting to get her spun up on SFI and any of my nieces and nephew's that are 18 and ...more