I believe that there are three shortcuts to success in SFl.
1. For three weeks, read and do all your lessons everyday.
2. Order TC 125 pack. Make this a Standing Order.
3. 0rder a S-Builders for PSAs, Standing Order.
Now you are still in your third week of reading, continue to read, learn
And put into practice what you have been studying. But now your mind is
Absorbing more because you don't have to worry about making EA, or EA2.
You don't have to worry about recruiting because you know that you have
PSAs coming to you every month. By the time they arrive, you should have
A good understanding of how to train and build your team.
I believe that there are three shortcuts to success in SFl.
1. For three weeks, read and do all your lessons everyday.
2. Order TC 125 pack. Make this a Standing Order.
3. 0rder a S-Builders for PSAs, Standing Order.
Now you are still in your third week of reading, continue to read, learn
And put into practice what you have been studying. But now your mind is
Absorbing more because you don't have to worry about making EA, or EA2.
You don't