For me personally it is best to start a month with some money in the bank but that is probably just me.
It rarely happens to start a month with a purchase made by a member from your downline. Best thing to do is to keep posting ads and bringing new members all the time. The more members you get the more satisfaction you have. This is a routine that you should practice everyday because you should be active and working all the time. That way you will become more and more successful.
For me personally it is best to start a month with some money in the bank but that is probably just me.
It rarely happens to start a month with a purchase made by a member from your downline. Best thing to do is to keep posting ads and bringing new members all the time. The more members you get the more satisfaction you have. This is a routine that you should practice everyday because you should be active and working all the time. That way you will become more and more successful.