You should post under "work from home", "Online jobs", "Marketing jobs" or "multi-level marketing jobs". Most good-quality websites take categorising very seriously, so never misscategorise your ad. You don't want to get blocked from a good website. Also pay attention whether advertising online jobs is allowed on the particular website to begin with, to avoid posting ads just so they would be removed. Some websites require us to advertise ONLY under "Work from home job opportunities". Be sure to follow those rules. Misscategorising ads for SFI is also bad for our reputation, because the last thing you wan't to be called is "spammer".
You should post under "work from home", "Online jobs", "Marketing jobs" or "multi-level marketing jobs". Most good-quality websites take categorising very seriously, so never misscategorise your ad. You don't want to get blocked from a good website. Also pay attention whether advertising online jobs is allowed on the particular website to begin with, to avoid posting ads just so they would be removed. Some websites require us to advertise ONLY under "Work ...more