I don't believe any certain age is the reason to convince people to join SFI.
Also, I don't believe you can convince anyone to do anything they're not interested in.
All you can do is give them the information on what SFI and TripleClicks is all about.
Such as, SFI is an internet marketing company that has been successful since 1998.
That SFI is accredited with the Better Business Bureau and not an internet scam.
Explain honestly, what their responsibilities will be and what they will receive for joining SFI.
You can find many tips at: https://www.sfimg.com/Training/AwesomeSponsor
If the person is over 50, you can explain that they will qualify for residual income when they become an SFI affiliate.
I don't believe any certain age is the reason to convince people to join SFI.
Also, I don't believe you can convince anyone to do anything they're not interested in.
All you can do is give them the information on what SFI and TripleClicks is all about.
Such as, SFI is an internet marketing company that has been successful since 1998.
That SFI is accredited with the Better Business Bureau and not an internet scam.
Explain honestly, what their responsibilities ...more