You can do good with tripleclicks by taking part in auctions, zebra game , selling stuff, and introducing ECAs. Yes i understand that it may be frustrating when PSA n CSA Become inactive, but dont lose hope, you must keep trying to keep recruiting more n more pple. There will come a time you ll have few but good ones. However other than this you can be successful in tripleclicks.
Be positive , patient and do not quit. I hope you ll get good quality PSA N CSA, best of luck .
You can do good with tripleclicks by taking part in auctions, zebra game , selling stuff, and introducing ECAs. Yes i understand that it may be frustrating when PSA n CSA Become inactive, but dont lose hope, you must keep trying to keep recruiting more n more pple. There will come a time you ll have few but good ones. However other than this you can be successful in tripleclicks.
Be positive , patient and do not quit. I hope you ll get good quality PSA N ...more