A good question as I have suffered the problem.First of all I must think why this question is striking the mind of team member or what is the real problem.Because we all are the passer by of same path.This way I will get to the depth of the problem.I will see either the answer of the question of is available at the forum,Ask SC.If yes then I will deliver the answer to the team member.If the answer is not available there I will see the advice of my Sponsor and co-sponsor or some a2a friend anmd will help my team leader.
If still no answer to me then I will raise it at ASK SC tab.Are you satisfied?
A good question as I have suffered the problem.First of all I must think why this question is striking the mind of team member or what is the real problem.Because we all are the passer by of same path.This way I will get to the depth of the problem.I will see either the answer of the question of is available at the forum,Ask SC.If yes then I will deliver the answer to the team member.If the answer is not available there I will see the advice of my Sponsor and co-sponsor or some a2a friend ...more