The working pyramid of SFI is designed in such a way that upline can continuously keep their downline under observation so as to be able to help them and guide them.
But No one is perfect. Sometime even the team leaders doesn't have the answer. So when you come across such a question don't worry. Search for the answer. SFI has a huge multi-tiered support data base readily available for us.
1. Our upline.
2. Support tickets. .
3. Glossary
4. Lunch pad lessons.
5. Ask Gery.
6. Stream tab.
7. a2a friends.
8. ASK SC library
9. Forum
10. Training Tab.
SFI was once new to all of us. Even those who started it were at one point new to the idea. So how did all these who are so successful and to whom we all look up for guidance accumulated this knowledge. They all have one thing in common. READING! They are all readers and that is the key. Success Rule #8: Leaders are readers. And to be a successful leader we all have to develop this characteristic in us too. In this way we will truly be helpful to our team.
But friends there is an important fact that applies everywhere and we should never forget it. Fully Support your downline but also teach them to adopt the habit of reading and to use all the available resource and try finding answers themselves. SFI encourage its affiliates to take full responsibility of their business. Success rule #7: YOU make it happen, no one else. We should also follow the same principle.
In short, "Don't just give them what they need rather teach them the way to get what they need".
The working pyramid of SFI is designed in such a way that upline can continuously keep their downline under observation so as to be able to help them and guide them.
But No one is perfect. Sometime even the team leaders doesn't have the answer. So when you come across such a question don't worry. Search for the answer. SFI has a huge multi-tiered support data base readily available for us.