1. Learning yourself first is the key. To know the info first and not depend on your upline all the time is the best solution. If you pick one or two new items a day to learn you will in most cases be able to answer questions your team may ask you. Also keeping on top of your daily tasks will give you new info to work with and write down or remember each day as well.
2. If you do not know the answer here are some ways to find it.
a. First I would highly recommend that you use the search box on the sfimg website to search in what the person is asking about. In most cases the answer will come up right away. Teaching them to do the same also will help them.
b. If for some reasons either above technique does not work or searching via other methods does not work this is when you should go to your upline and ask them.
In either scenario it is always good to let the person with the question know that you don't know the answer but are looking it up for them and you will get back to them. It also may be a good idea to suggest to them ways of looking up the answer for themselves.
1. Learning yourself first is the key. To know the info first and not depend on your upline all the time is the best solution. If you pick one or two new items a day to learn you will in most cases be able to answer questions your team may ask you. Also keeping on top of your daily tasks will give you new info to work with and write down or remember each day as well.
2. If you do not know the answer here are some ways to find it.
a. First I would highly recommend that you use ...more