Definitely at the age of 50 majority of the people are vastly experienced in various diversified fields and are more receptive to new ideas and convincing them become rather easier. There will, therefore, be no problem in convincing them about SFI once a balanced presentation is made to them.
Many of them easily understand the underlining principles of SFI by applying their past/vast experience and can easily fit themselves with the day to day routine as they are able to analyse the situation more objectively. They are in a better position to assess the risk factors, if at all any, in the new business and take appropriate timely remedial actions whenever needed. Normally they do not adopt HIT & RUN policies nor they will want /expect to become rich overnight which may not be the case of younger generation who at times are rather impatient and very often are at the cross roads so far as their carrier options are concerned. Therefore the desertion after joining the SFI which is very rampant today can definitely be addressed in some way and the quality of recruitments will also definitely be improved.
As I mentioned at the age of 50 they can indeed adjudicate and judge the opportunities in a better way and will be able to come up with the investments that may be genuinely needed and go ahead with the business in a faster pace.
Definitely at the age of 50 majority of the people are vastly experienced in various diversified fields and are more receptive to new ideas and convincing them become rather easier. There will, therefore, be no problem in convincing them about SFI once a balanced presentation is made to them.
Many of them easily understand the underlining principles of SFI by applying their past/vast experience and can easily fit themselves with the day to day routine as they are able to ...more