Start by learning the business, do all the launch pad series, browse the forum, watch the auctions, explore the entire site. Then pick one area, I suggest you concentrate on building a downline first, to duplicate you efforts, then decide which area interests you the most put time into it and advertise, then as you feel you are comfortable in that one area explore another and see if you have the time and interest to expand, and as your time and interest expands so should you expand your business to maximize your income.
Start by learning the business, do all the launch pad series, browse the forum, watch the auctions, explore the entire site. Then pick one area, I suggest you concentrate on building a downline first, to duplicate you efforts, then decide which area interests you the most put time into it and advertise, then as you feel you are comfortable in that one area explore another and see if you have the time and interest to expand, and as your time and interest expands so should you expand your business ...more