My answer to this question is based on the article I read in the SFI News. It is an amazing marketing tool for SFI and Tripleclicks because studies show that almost half the people who surf the internet are game players. So the billions of people worldwide play games on the internet which provides a huge market for making lots of money so of course as the article says, SFI is going all in. The point is when you and affiliates play the Zebra Games and the other ones too, SFI will make lots of money which will in turn give you higher commissions, so in plain English you will get paid for playing games. The answer to your question is in the article so give this a reading:
VersaPoints: On the to do list you will see this game listed in the daily activities, so you can make 1 vp everyday which then would add up to 200vp every month. The Time Machine Game may not seem very important at first but more games will be added.
Tcredits: You will need a good amount of them for playing but if you are lucky to win then you will get a few thousand of them for FREE! WHAT A JACKPOT!
Marketing Tool: SFI Created Banners for this game so if you have your own website or a blog you should paste them. The point is SFI is using this game to attract more people to Tripleclicks. The idea is to get more traffic to this ecommerce site, which then will attract customers and new ECA's alike which will then provide benefits such as more products added, better prices for sale, lower shipping costs etc.. so the better Tripleclicks gets the better money and benefits for you. So we as affiliates participate in these games so that we can use it to get more customers and then in return TC will give us a better service.
My answer to this question is based on the article I read in the SFI News. It is an amazing marketing tool for SFI and Tripleclicks because studies show that almost half the people who surf the internet are game players. So the billions of people worldwide play games on the internet which provides a huge market for making lots of money so of course as the article says, SFI is going all in. The point is when you and affiliates play the Zebra Games and the other ones too, SFI will make lots of money ...more